Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Study in Smörgåsbord

It has now been two weeks since the start of the semester, and to be honest, things are starting up rather slowly.  Similar to last semester, my courses can start and end as they please, meet for any number of lectures, in any room, at any time, and on any day.  This semester, it just happens that most of my courses will meet during the months of February and March.  Despite the curious schedule, I am still pumped about my upcoming courses. Here is a rundown of what I have to look forward to:
  • Introduction to Finnish School Life: This course allows me to observe Finnish schools in action.  I started the course last semester, spending most of my time in primary school math and science classes.  This spring, I plan to move up to the secondary school and observe more chemistry.
  • Introduction to Special Education: One of the most impressive features of Finnish education is their exceptionally small achievement gap.  Indeed, the difference in performance between low- and high-achieving students is the smallest in the world.  I am hoping this course provides some insight into how they do it.
  • Information and Communication Technology in Teacher's Work: As the title suggests, I will learn how the Finns integrate technology into the classroom.  Based on the endless supply of SmartBoards, document cameras, and laboratory equipment I have seen so far, I am excited to learn more about the theories behind their use.
  • Finnish Art: This course promises to teach us how to use various media and techniques for visual art.  As science (particularly chemistry) is a very visual subject, I am hoping that I can incorporate some of what I learn into future lessons I teach.
  • Finnish 3 and 4: Minä olen opiskellut suomea viisi kuukautta.  I have studied Finnish for five months...and love every second of it.  As we dig deeper into the intricacies of Finnish grammar, I am not only developing an appreciation for this language, but also of language in general.  It is mind-blowing to think about all that goes into communicationand to think, many of us can do it so effortlessly!
  • Chinese 2: There is a twofold purpose for my taking this class.  First, I am interested in the language, and think it might be useful to know.  But second, this is one of my few courses that has mostly Finnish students in it.  I am taking Chinese to learn more about Finnish culturelogical, right?
So, as you can see, I have quite the smörgåsbord of studies this semester.  Or, perhaps I should use the Finnish translation of smörgåsbordseisova pöytä.  Either way, it should be a delicious sampler of educational theory and classroom observation, generously seasoned with grammar rules and new vocabulary.

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