Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kaksi Kalaa

Yesterday afternoon, my friend, Janina, and I participated in the annual Joensuu ice fishing competition.  With the blow of a whistle, all 200 of us contestants went running out onto the ice to claim our pre-drilled holes.  We then had two hours to catch as many fish as we could.  Together, Janina and I reeled in 70 grams of fish (one fish each).  While neither of us attended the official award ceremony later that evening, we were told at weigh-in that we may have caught the largest fisha whopping six inch perch!  Below are some photos from the event.

Here is my six inch perch.

Janina peers down into her hole
to see if there are any eager fish.

Janina's perch!

The competition was held right around sundown,
making for some dramatic lighting.

Just about the time we could no longer handle
the cold, the competition was over and we brought

our catch over to the 'fish weighting' station.

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